Source code for lecture2notes.end_to_end.figure_detection

import logging
import math
import os

import cv2
import numpy as np
from imutils import auto_canny
from PIL import Image, ImageStat
from pythonRLSA import rlsa
from skimage.measure.entropy import shannon_entropy
from tqdm import tqdm

from .helpers import frame_number_filename_mapping
from .text_detection import get_text_bounding_boxes, load_east

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]def area_of_overlapping_rectangles(a, b): """ Find the overlapping area of two rectangles ``a`` and ``b``. Inspired by """ dx = min(a[0], b[0]) - max(a[2], b[2]) # xmax, xmax, xmin, xmin dy = min(a[1], b[1]) - max(a[3], b[3]) # ymax, ymax, ymin, ymin if (dx >= 0) and (dy >= 0): return dx * dy return 0
[docs]def detect_color_image(image, thumb_size=40, MSE_cutoff=22, adjust_color_bias=True): """Detect if an image contains color, is black and white, or is grayscale. Based on `this StackOverflow answer <>`__. Args: image (np.array): Input image thumb_size (int, optional): Resize image to this size to speed up calculation. Defaults to 40. MSE_cutoff (int, optional): A larger value requires more color for an image to be labeled as "color". Defaults to 22. adjust_color_bias (bool, optional): Mean color bias adjustment, which improves the prediction. Defaults to True. Returns: str: Either "grayscale", "color", "b&w" (black and white), or "unknown". """ pil_img = Image.fromarray(image) bands = pil_img.getbands() if bands == ("R", "G", "B") or bands == ("R", "G", "B", "A"): thumb = pil_img.resize((thumb_size, thumb_size)) SSE, bias = 0, [0, 0, 0] if adjust_color_bias: bias = ImageStat.Stat(thumb).mean[:3] bias = [b - sum(bias) / 3 for b in bias] for pixel in thumb.getdata(): mu = sum(pixel) / 3 SSE += sum( (pixel[i] - mu - bias[i]) * (pixel[i] - mu - bias[i]) for i in [0, 1, 2] ) MSE = float(SSE) / (thumb_size * thumb_size) if MSE <= MSE_cutoff: return "grayscale" return "color" if len(bands) == 1: return "b&w" return "unknown"
[docs]def convert_coords_to_corners(box): x, y, w, h = box x_values = (x + w, x) y_values = (y + h, y) rectangle = (max(x_values), max(y_values), min(x_values), min(y_values)) return rectangle
[docs]def area_of_corner_box(box): return (box[0] - box[2]) * (box[1] - box[3])
[docs]def detect_figures( image_path, output_path=None, east="frozen_east_text_detection.pb", text_area_overlap_threshold=0.32, # 0.15 figure_max_area_percentage=0.60, text_max_area_percentage=0.30, large_box_detection=True, do_color_check=True, do_text_check=True, entropy_check=2.5, do_remove_subfigures=True, do_rlsa=False, ): """Detect figures located in a slide. Args: image_path (str): Path to the image to process. output_path (str, optional): Path to save the figures. Defaults to ``[filename]_figure_[index].[ext]``. east (str or cv2.dnn_Net, optional): Path to the EAST model file or the pre-trained EAST model loaded with :meth:`~lecture2notes.end_to_end.text_detection.load_east`. ``do_text_check`` must be true for this option to take effect. Defaults to "frozen_east_text_detection.pb". text_area_overlap_threshold (float, optional): The percentage of the figure that can contain text. If the area of the text in the figure is greater than this value, the figure is discarded. ``do_text_check`` must be true for this option to take effect. Defaults to 0.10. figure_max_area_percentage (float, optional): The maximum percentage of the area of the original image that a figure can take up. If the figure uses more area than ``original_image_area*figure_max_area_percentage`` then the figure will be discarded. Defaults to 0.70. text_max_area_percentage (float, optional): The maximum percentage of the area of the original image that a block of text (as identified by the EAST model) can take up. If the text block uses more area than ``original_image_area*text_max_area_percentage`` then that text block will be ignored. ``do_text_check`` must be true for this option to take effect. Defaults to 0.30. large_box_detection (bool, optional): Detect edges and classify large rectangles as figures. This will ignore `do_color_check` and `do_text_check`. This is useful for finding tables for example. Defaults to True. do_color_check (bool, optional): Check that potential figures contain color. This helps to remove large quantities of black and white text form the potential figure list. Defaults to True. do_text_check (bool, optional): Check that only `text_area_overlap_threshold` of potential figures contains text. This is useful to remove blocks of text that are mistakenly classified as figures. Checking for text increases processing time so be careful if processing a large number of files. Defaults to True. entropy_check (float, optional): Check that the entropy of all potential figures is above this value. Figures with a ``shannon_entropy`` lower than this value will be removed. Set to ``False`` to disable this check. The ``shannon_entropy`` implementation is from ``skimage.measure.entropy``. IMPORTANT: This check applies to both the regular tests *and* ``large_box_detection``, which most check do not apply to. Defaults to 3.5. do_remove_subfigures (bool, optional): Check that there are no overlapping figures. If an overlapping figure is detected, the smaller figure will be deleted. This is useful to have enabled when using `large_box_detection` since `large_box_detection` will commonly mistakenly detect subfigures. Defaults to True. do_rlsa (bool, optional): Use RLSA (Run Length Smoothing Algorithm) instead of dilation. Does not apply to `large_box_detection`. Defaults to False. Returns: tuple: (figures, output_paths) A list of figures extracted from the input slide image and a list of paths to those figures on disk. """ image = cv2.imread(image_path) # image = cv2.copyMakeBorder( # image, # 20, # 20, # 20, # 20, # cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, # value=[0, 0, 0], # ) image_height = image.shape[0] image_width = image.shape[1] image_area = image_height * image_width if not output_path: file_parse = os.path.splitext(str(image_path)) filename = file_parse[0] ext = file_parse[1] start_output_path = filename + OUTPUT_PATH_MODIFIER if do_text_check: text_bounding_boxes = get_text_bounding_boxes(image, east) # Remove boxes that are too large text_bounding_boxes = [ box for box in text_bounding_boxes if area_of_corner_box(box) # area of box < text_max_area_percentage * image_area ] original = image.copy() gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray_thresh = cv2.threshold(gray, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1] blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray_thresh, (3, 3), 0) # Need to use canny in addition to threshold in case the threshold is inverted. # Difference between edges and contours: canny = auto_canny(blurred) # "large" pertains to components that are used to find figures not surrounded by a border # "small" is used to find rectangles on the slide, which are likely figures canny_dilated_large = cv2.dilate(canny, np.ones((22, 22), dtype=np.uint8)) canny_dilated_small = cv2.dilate(canny, np.ones((3, 3), dtype=np.uint8)) # cv2.imwrite("canny_dilated_large.png", canny_dilated_large) # cv2.imwrite("canny_dilated_small.png", canny_dilated_small) if do_rlsa: x, y = canny.shape value = max(math.ceil(x / 70), math.ceil(y / 70)) + 20 # heuristic rlsa_result = ~rlsa.rlsa(~canny, True, True, value) # rlsa application canny_dilated_large = rlsa_result # cv2.imwrite('rlsah.png', rlsa_result) contours_large = cv2.findContours( canny_dilated_large, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE ) contours_large = ( contours_large[0] if len(contours_large) == 2 else contours_large[1] ) # large_contour_img = image.copy() # large_contour_img = cv2.drawContours( # large_contour_img, contours_large, -1, (0, 255, 0), 3 # ) # cv2.imwrite("large_contour_img.png", large_contour_img) bounding_boxes_large = np.array( [cv2.boundingRect(contour) for contour in contours_large] ) if large_box_detection: contours_small = cv2.findContours( canny_dilated_small, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE ) contours_small = ( contours_small[0] if len(contours_small) == 2 else contours_small[1] ) # small_contour_img = image.copy() # small_contour_img = cv2.drawContours( # small_contour_img, contours_small, -1, (0, 255, 0), 3 # ) # cv2.imwrite("small_contour_img.png", small_contour_img) max_area = int(figure_max_area_percentage * image_area) min_area = (image_height // 3) * (image_width // 6) min_area_small = min_area padding = image_height // 70 figures = [] all_figure_boxes = [] output_paths = [] if large_box_detection: # none_tested = True for contour in contours_small: perimeter = cv2.arcLength(contour, True) approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(contour, 0.1 * perimeter, True) # Figure has 4 corners and it is convex if ( len(approx) == 4 and cv2.isContourConvex(approx) and min_area_small < cv2.contourArea(approx) < max_area ): # none_tested = False # min_area_small = cv2.contourArea(approx) figure_contour = approx[:, 0] # if not none_tested: bounding_box = cv2.boundingRect(figure_contour) x, y, w, h = bounding_box figure = original[ y - padding : y + h + padding, x - padding : x + w + padding ] figures.append(figure) all_figure_boxes.append(convert_coords_to_corners(bounding_box)) for box in bounding_boxes_large: x, y, w, h = box area = w * h aspect_ratio = w / h if min_area < area < max_area and 0.2 < aspect_ratio < 6: # Draw bounding box rectangle, crop using numpy slicing roi_rectangle = convert_coords_to_corners(box) # cv2.rectangle(image, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 3) # cv2.imwrite("rect.png", image) if ( y + h >= image_height or x + w >= image_width or y <= image_height or x <= image_width ): potential_figure = original[y : y + h, x : x + w] else: potential_figure = original[ y - padding : y + h + padding, x - padding : x + w + padding ] # cv2.imwrite("potential_figure.png", potential_figure) # Go to next figure if the `potential_figure` is empty if potential_figure.size == 0: continue # Start all checks as passed (aka True). These lines ensure that if # the checks are intentionally disabled then the potential figure is # always added because `checks_passed` will be true. text_overlap_under_threshold = True roi_is_color = True if do_text_check: total_area_overlapped = sum( area_of_overlapping_rectangles(roi_rectangle, text_rectangle) for text_rectangle in text_bounding_boxes ) logger.debug("Total area overlapped by text: %i", total_area_overlapped) text_overlap_under_threshold = ( total_area_overlapped < text_area_overlap_threshold * area ) if do_color_check: roi_is_color = detect_color_image(potential_figure) == "color" checks_passed = roi_is_color and text_overlap_under_threshold if checks_passed: figures.append(potential_figure) all_figure_boxes.append(roi_rectangle) if do_remove_subfigures: remove_idxs = [] for idx, figure in enumerate(all_figure_boxes): for compare_idx, figure_to_compare in enumerate( all_figure_boxes[idx + 1 :] ): overlapping_area = area_of_overlapping_rectangles( figure, figure_to_compare ) if overlapping_area > 0: figure_area = area_of_corner_box(figure) figure_to_compare_area = area_of_corner_box(figure_to_compare) if figure_area > figure_to_compare_area: remove_idxs.append(compare_idx) else: remove_idxs.append(idx) figures = [ figure for idx, figure in enumerate(figures) if idx not in remove_idxs ] for idx, figure in enumerate(figures): if entropy_check: # If `entropy_check` is a boolean, then set it to the default if type(entropy_check) is bool and entropy_check: entropy_check = 2.5 gray = cv2.cvtColor(figure, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) high_entropy = shannon_entropy(gray) > entropy_check if not high_entropy: continue full_output_path = start_output_path + str(idx) + ext output_paths.append(full_output_path) cv2.imwrite(full_output_path, figure) logger.debug("Number of Figures Detected: %i", len(figures)) return figures, output_paths
[docs]def all_in_folder( path, remove_original=False, east="frozen_east_text_detection.pb", do_text_check=True, **kwargs ): """ Perform figure detection on every file in folder and return new paths. ``**kwargs`` is passed to :meth:`~lecture2notes.end_to_end.figure_detection.detect_figures`. """ figure_paths = [] images = os.listdir(path) images.sort() if do_text_check: east = load_east(east) for item in tqdm(images, total=len(images), desc="> Figure Detection: Progress"): current_path = os.path.join(path, item) if os.path.isfile(current_path) and OUTPUT_PATH_MODIFIER not in str( current_path ): # Above checks that file exists and does not contain `OUTPUT_PATH_MODIFIER` because that would # indicate that the file has already been processed. _, output_paths = detect_figures( current_path, east=east, do_text_check=do_text_check, **kwargs ) figure_paths.extend(output_paths) if remove_original: os.remove(current_path) logger.debug("> Figure Detection: Returning figure paths") return figure_paths
[docs]def add_figures_to_ssa(ssa, figures_path): # If the SSA contains frame numbers if "frame_number" in ssa[0].keys(): mapping = frame_number_filename_mapping(figures_path) for idx, slide in enumerate(ssa): current_slide_idx = slide["frame_number"] try: ssa[idx]["figure_paths"] = mapping[current_slide_idx] except KeyError: # Ignore frames that have no figures pass return ssa
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # all_in_folder("delete/") # detect_figures("delete/img_01054_noborder.jpg") # detect_figures("g-yPqNmrgYw-img_146.jpg", east="lecture2notes/end_to_end/frozen_east_text_detection.pb")