Source code for lecture2notes.end_to_end.imghash

import logging
import os

import imagehash
from PIL import Image
from tqdm import tqdm

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_hash_func(hashmethod="phash"): """ Returns a hash function from the ``imagehash`` library. Hash Methods: * ahash: Average hash * phash: Perceptual hash * dhash: Difference hash * whash-haar: Haar wavelet hash * whash-db4: Daubechies wavelet hash """ if hashmethod == "ahash": hashfunc = imagehash.average_hash elif hashmethod == "phash": hashfunc = imagehash.phash elif hashmethod == "dhash": hashfunc = imagehash.dhash elif hashmethod == "whash-haar": hashfunc = imagehash.whash elif hashmethod == "whash-db4": hashfunc = lambda img: imagehash.whash(img, mode="db4") # noqa: E731 return hashfunc
[docs]def sort_by_duplicates(img_dir, hash_func="phash"): """Find duplicate images in a directory. Args: img_dir (str): path to folder containing images to scan for duplicates hash_func (str, optional): the hash function to use as given by :meth:`~lecture2notes.end_to_end.imghash.get_hash_func`. Defaults to "phash". Returns: [dict]: dictionary in format {image hash: image filenames} """"Identifying frames/slides that are potential duplicates") hashfunc = get_hash_func(hash_func) images = {} image_filenames = sorted(os.listdir(img_dir)) for img in tqdm( sorted(image_filenames), desc="Img Hasher> Computing Hashes", total=len(image_filenames), ): current_img_path = os.path.join(img_dir, img) img_hash = hashfunc( if img_hash in images: logger.debug("%s already exists as %s", img, " ".join(images[img_hash])) # store the image at with its hash as a key (add the image to the list for the respective key if # that key already exists) images[img_hash] = images.get(img_hash, []) + [img] return images
[docs]def remove_duplicates(img_dir, images): """Remove duplicate frames/slides from disk. Args: img_dir (str): path to directory containing image files images (dict): dictionary in format {image hash: image filenames} provided by :meth:`~lecture2notes.end_to_end.imghash.sort_by_duplicates`. """"Removing duplicate frames/slides from disk") for img_hash, img_paths in images.items(): # if there is more than one image with the same path if len(img_paths) > 1: # remove all but the last image img_paths = sorted(img_paths) for img in img_paths[:-1]: logger.debug("Removing " + str(img)) os.remove(os.path.join(img_dir, img))
# images = sort_by_duplicates("slide_clusters/best_samples") # remove_duplicates("slide_clusters/best_samples", images)