Source code for lecture2notes.end_to_end.segment_cluster

import logging
import os
import shutil
from pathlib import Path

from PIL import Image

# import statistics
from scipy import spatial
from tqdm import tqdm

from ..models.slide_classifier import inference
from .helpers import make_dir_if_not_exist

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SegmentCluster: """Iterates through frames in order and splits based on large visual differences (measured by the cosine difference between the feature vectors from the slide classifier)""" def __init__(self, slides_dir, model_path="model_best.ckpt"): self.slides_dir = Path(slides_dir) self.slides_list = sorted(os.listdir(self.slides_dir)) self.model = inference.load_model(model_path) self.change_indexes = None
[docs] def extract_and_add_features(self, gamma=1.3): """Extracts features from the images in ``slides_dir`` and saves feature vectors""" num_slides = len(self.slides_list) all_features = []"Extracting features from " + str(num_slides) + " slides") for idx, slide in tqdm( enumerate(self.slides_list), total=num_slides, desc="> AI Segmenting Engine: Feature extraction", ): current_slide_path = os.path.join(self.slides_dir, slide) _, _, _, extracted_features = inference.get_prediction( self.model,, ) all_features.append(extracted_features) # spatial.distance.cosine computes the cosine difference, a larger value means more different # and a smaller value means more similar similarities = [ spatial.distance.cosine(all_features[i - 1], all_features[i]) for i in range(1, len(all_features)) ] mean_similarities = sum(similarities) / len(similarities) # std_similarities = statistics.pstdev(similarities) # A larger `sim_compare_value` = less segments # A larger divisor = more segments sim_compare_value = mean_similarities * gamma change_indexes = [ i for i in range(0, len(similarities)) if similarities[i] > sim_compare_value ] self.change_indexes = change_indexes return change_indexes
[docs] def transfer_to_filesystem(self, copy=True, create_best_samples_folder=True): """Takes all images in directory ``slides_dir`` and saves each cluster to a subfolder in ``cluster_dir`` (directory in parent of ``slides_dir``)""" cluster_dir = ( self.slides_dir.parents[0] / "slide_clusters" ) # cluster_dir = up one directory from slides_dir then into "slide_clusters" if create_best_samples_folder: best_samples_path = cluster_dir / "best_samples" make_dir_if_not_exist(best_samples_path) current_folder = 0 current_cluster_path = cluster_dir / str(current_folder) for idx, slide in enumerate(self.slides_list): current_slide_path = os.path.join(self.slides_dir, slide) if idx in self.change_indexes: current_folder += 1 if create_best_samples_folder: if copy: shutil.copy(str(current_slide_path), str(best_samples_path)) else: shutil.move(str(current_slide_path), str(best_samples_path)) current_cluster_path = cluster_dir / str(current_folder) make_dir_if_not_exist(current_cluster_path) if copy: shutil.copy(str(current_slide_path), str(current_cluster_path)) else: shutil.move(str(current_slide_path), str(current_cluster_path)) return cluster_dir, best_samples_path
# seg = SegmentCluster("slide") # seg.extract_and_add_features() # seg.transfer_to_filesystem() # TODO # 1. Matrix of similarity/difference scores to remove the most similar images (in the case that the presenter switches back and forth between two things, thus producing duplicates) # 2. Test if model features for same slide as screen capture vs camera are the same # 3. If in the above step the model features are difference then change the dataset so that all screen captures are in the slides class and all cameras are in the presenter_slide class